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Havoc becoming more bold and visible
Havoc has been seen 4 times since the end of January!!! This sets a new record of frequent sightings that I haven’t had since he was lost in the initially. All sightings have been within 2 miles of each other in Rock Creek Park. When seen today, Havoc had just caught a squirrel, and he had a slight limp. While it was upsetting to hear Havoc had an injury, maybe this will be the thing that slows him down enough so he can be caught.
Havoc finally seen!
Yay! Havoc was finally seen after many long months! The person who saw him says he’s still in good health and moving fast, although I do wish he would slow down a little. Havoc was seen near the intersection of Wise Rd NW and Beach Dr NW in Rock Creek Park.
Havoc's Story on WUSA9/CBS
Havoc's story was featured on the WUSA9 local news.
The story on
Article about Havoc in Bethesda Magazine
Bethesda Magazine published an article about Havoc. I’m touched people care and support my continued search.
New Havoc Sighting
Havoc made a rare appearance in civilization and left Rock Creek Park to take a stroll down 16th St this weekend. We tracked him back into the park, where he did some trail blazing around Military Rd and Beach Dr.
Havoc moved north
It has been more than 6 months since I’ve gotten a confirmed sighting of Havoc, and I’m absolutely overjoyed! Havoc has moved further north – on the edge of DC/ MD in Rock Creek Park. Havoc is still wearing his collar and looks healthy, albeit a little bedraggled.
ABC News cover's 2 different angles: How Janet has transformed dog searches and Janet's best practices used by others
First Story
My search has been so extensive, that ABC News did a story on how I've transformed dog searches, and how I help others who have lost their pets
Second Story
Havoc's search was also covered by ABC from the aspect of the best practices I've used which keep the information coming in as to where Havoc is now.
Havoc sighted again!
He came out of Rock Creek Park around 10:30 pm, crossed Colorado Ave NW and sniffed trash under a street lamp (across from the Amphitheater parking lot). Thank goodness for the kind woman who was looking out her window AND for the street lamp so she could actually see him. Of course when she went outside, Havoc bolted back into the forest.
This is 2 sightings in 6 weeks, I'm so excited!!
Finally! A new Havoc sighting
I’m overwhelmed with joy – Havoc has finally been seen and confirmed (meaning the K-9 team verified it was him) after many, many months of no information. He was seen by the Soapstone Trail on Audubon Terrace NW very late at night.
We tracked him into Rock Creek Park, where he followed the creek along Beach Dr. The map on his website has been updated.
This helps explain why there have been so few sightings – Havoc may be spending most of his time in the park and traveling at night. The chances of someone seeing him are extremely small and I’m so very, very fortunate a good Samaritan saw Havoc and gave me a call.
I’m coming up on 2 years that he’s been roaming, and it still astounds me that Havoc has turned into such a resourceful, self-sufficient dog. Deepest thanks for all the continued support and encouragement.
Havoc’s story on WUSA-TV 9
The embedded video requires Flash so if you are using an iOS device you can watch the video here
Havoc caught on video!
Just before Thanksgiving an amazing video was sent to me that made my heart leap into my throat. I thought the instant I saw it that it was Havoc, but I didn't want to make a public announcement until I could confirm with scent that it indeed was Havoc. It has now been confirmed.
Of course my deepest desire is to get him home, but getting to see Havoc look so healthy and thriving on his own is a pretty good runner-up
The video was taken via home surveillance in the Palisades. So many strokes of luck had to happen for this to make its way to me, and I’m beside myself with gratitude. There are very few lost dog searches that have had the intensity and support of Havoc’s. It’s all paying off.
Havoc's story on NBC's Today show
Havoc’s story made the Today show this morning!! I’m so grateful for this coverage and the vast audience it hits. I’m blown away by how many people who’ve never met Havoc care.
Hopefully this will lead to more sightings, and even better, someone who sees him and calls me right away so I can go get him.
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A year without Havoc
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Havoc’s disappearance. It’s been a very emotional day, although I received 2 sightings today that seem promising.
I wanted to thank each and every one of you – some of you have been offering support for the past 365 days, others are relatively new to ‘Team Havoc’. Each and every kindness you all offer is appreciated. I would not have the physical or mental fortitude to continue without your caring.
Havoc's story in the Washingtonian
The November issue of the Washingtonian magazine came out with a fantastic story about my search for Havoc. I’m so happy the reporter took the time to understand how extensive this search is and why I don’t give up: I continue to get sightings that are confirmed to be Havoc.
Havoc has great taste – he roams the most affluent neighborhoods of DC, which is just the kind of audience that reads the Washingtonian. I’m hopeful this story will reach people who have seen Havoc.
Happy Birthday Raze!
Today is Raze's (Havoc's 'sister') 4th birthday. It's her first birthday without her brother. Raze got all kinds of delicious treats, but what I wished I could have given her more than anything in the world was having Havoc home again. She used to love to run and jump with him like she's doing in this picture.

Raze playing in the snow
Tracking Havoc
I’m very excited to say that the tracker was out again today, and Havoc has moved into a new territory. Continuing to get sightings and know they are him is the most joyful feeling! For the locals, Havoc has moved into the southern-most part of Rock Creek Park, and he is moving between there and Glover Park via the woods.
This is a new area, and now that I know Havoc is roaming there, it needs attention. If you can help with postering, grilling, or a feeding station, please just let me know.
As always, I’m so thankful for all your support. I know I don’t write often, but my search has not diminished in any way. I still spend every single day looking for Havoc, and my efforts and the efforts of the amazing volunteers are paying off. Thank you so much to the people who continue to look and who call with sightings – this is what leads to knowing Havoc’s travel patterns.
Havoc's story makes the news in Georgetown!
The Georgetowner published Havoc's story. You can read the story here.
Stolen cameras
It's been a bad week. I had to leave DC unexpectedly to deal with an emergency in Boston, and when I came back today, 2 of my Havoc cameras had been stolen. There is no reason for someone to take these other than to be spiteful, as the cameras can only be used to take photos of animals. People can just be awful.
Tracking day
I know it’s been quiet on the Havoc update front, but that is not because there hasn't been activity. I've actually had more sightings than normal over the past 7 weeks, and as most of you know, I do not publish these until the tracker has been out to verify them.
We had a great tracking day today! Havoc has been extremely active in Glover Park – both the neighborhood and the park. He’s also found the strip of woods that connects Glover Park to Battery Kemble Park, and has been traveling between the two.
We had two outlier sightings confirmed in AU Park and Westmoreland Hills. It’s difficult to say if the dates on these since Havoc roamed those areas so often in previous months. The K9 tracking dogs can detect scent for months.
Havoc is still missing
Someone just forwarded me a email that claimed Havoc had been found. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, but Havoc HAS NOT been found. I'm very worried about this false information damaging the search efforts (e.g. people thinking he's been found and I just haven't removed my signs).
When Havoc is back home I'll will publish the news on this website as well as on Havoc's facebook page. I sure hope it will be soon!
Havoc is my beloved lost dog, not a social experiment
When I was out postering today, a man approached me and to jump to the point, asked if I was conducting a massive social experiment. He thought the Havoc signs were a scam since they had been up so long, and he thought if you went to Havoc's website you'd be asked to buy something.
This was an odd conclusion to jump to in my opinion, but I'm glad I met him and was able to assure him that Havoc is a real dog and I'm just a desperate Mom who will continue to look for him. I think Havoc got a new fan out of this conversation. I guess he's never visited
New Havoc Sighting!
Today was one of the best days in this 6 month ordeal. I got a sighting this morning in Glover Archbold Park and the tracker came out this afternoon and we were able to confirm it was Havoc! Finally some long over-due luck!
If you are local, I need help getting the word out to the neighborhoods around Glover Park. Please email me if you can spare an hour or 2 this week putting up posters or handing out flyers.
Havoc's Birthday
Today is Havoc's 5th birthday. I got him some of his favorite chew toys, but it's looking unlikely he'll get them today. It's also almost exactly 6 months that he's been gone. I'm very sad. Been crying all morning.
Here's a picture of Havoc the first day I brought him home from the rescue.

Havoc as a puppy
Cat Burglary
This weekend a cat fell through my skylight in the middle of the night. Literally. It took me a day to find her in the house (I had no idea it was a cat, was worried it was a raccoon or possum), and another day to track down her owner, but all my lost pet recovery tools paid off. That brings my count to 7 lost dogs and 1 lost cat I’ve been able to re-unite since losing Havoc.
Now if only Havoc would fall through my skylight...
Tracking Havoc
Lost Pet Professionals is in town this weekend, and we confirmed Havoc’s track for miles in an area he’s not previously been before. For the locals, it was in the southern end of Glover Park and the southern corner of the Palisades. We also had a confirmation in one of his favorite neighborhoods, AU Park.
I am moving feeding stations to the two new areas and hope to finally get lucky with a picture on the camera or a real-time phone call.
An unexpected call
Something astounding just happened. One of the men who has been calling and harassing me about Havoc just called to apologize. I'm literally blown away. He was sincere and I could tell full of regret. Forgiveness washed over me instantaneously, and I found myself 'liking' this stranger.
I really hope this is a sign that more good will follow, and I will get my ultimate dream, which is to tell Havoc in person how much I love him.
Unwanted calls
I'm so glad Inside Edition picked up Havoc's story, but it invites all the sicko's out there to prey on my desperation. I've a slew of calls such as from people saying they have Havoc and will cut him up and send the pieces to me, people saying they have Havoc and will torture him, pictures sent to me of dead dogs, and a rash of calls from corrections facilities.
I'm getting tougher. I can let most of this roll off me, but it's exhausting and it takes away from time spent doing what's best to find Havoc.
Inside Edition runs Havoc's story on national television!
Havoc's story is also featured Inside Edition's website and Facebook page.
News update
Yesterday Jordina the tracker was in town, and we had 8 sites to check since she and her K9 scent tracking team were here 2 weeks ago. Two of the eight locations were positive for Havoc! One was in AU Park (Brandywine and 48th) and the other in the woods by the Dalecarlia Reservoir/ Sibley Hospital. I’ll be moving cameras and feeding stations to get coverage in these areas. I'll update the map on Havoc's page this weekend.
In other news, I’ve been asked to sit on a panel for Lost Pet Recovery at a conference this weekend. This is the PAVVs (Pet Assisted Visitation Volunteer Services) annual conference and it will be held in Newark, DE. Details are in the attached image. I’m really honored to have been asked, although I secretly loathe that I’ve had to learn so much about what to do if your pet goes missing.

Thank you for all the support!
The outpouring of support this week after all the news stories broke lifted me up at a time when I really needed it. Thanks to all of you for your caring, thoughtful, motivating encouragement. I am trying to respond to everything on Facebook, but I may not be timely in my responses.
Someone shared this link with me. I’ve logged Havoc in the Finding Rover registry. Maybe this will become the tool to have a common lost dog registry in the US.
Havoc on Fox 5 Evening News
Karen Gray Houston from Fox 5 came and interviewed me today! I want to thank Karen and her team for helping us getting Havoc's story out to the greater Washington DC area.
Havoc's story has gone international!
I’ve been getting calls from across the country and Canada where people are expressing their support of my search for Havoc. Amazing! As best as I can piece together, when BethesdaNow picked up the story, it generated so much buzz that WTOP, ABC/ WJLA news, HLN Morning Express and CNN all have now run the story. I’ve only see ABC’s coverage, and the story suggests that I do not care what the neighborhoods think, and that I am going to put up signs no matter what.
I can’t express how far from the truth the idea that I don’t want to work with the neighbors is. People living in the areas where Havoc is routinely seen are absolutely vital to me getting him home. I know we will not be reunited unless I get a timely call from someone who sees him, and my biggest motivation is to work with them. I can understand that for those who are not following the story, they may believe the signs are old, and I have just forgotten to take them down. I am doing my best to get the word out that Havoc is still being seen in these neighborhoods, as confirmed by the sightings and K9 scent tracking.
All the sightings have come in because of the signs. These calls are delayed – sometimes coming hours or days after the person has seen Havoc. When I inquire about the delay, I’m told they could not find a sign quickly enough to call me real-time.
Havoc is part of my family and I love him. He’s only been gone as long as the last sighting, and that is less than a week ago. I can’t imagine any pet owner giving up after a week. I realize that others may not be able to appreciate the bond that I and so many animal lovers have with their pets. I cannot change those views. What I hope for though, is that for those that can't relate, they just give me a little latitude. I believe even the non-animal lovers out there would never wish for a dog to be out roaming, hungry, scared, and cold. I hope they can bend their minds a little to understand that my best chance of bringing Havoc home is to make people aware - through signs; through media; through the Internet - so that if Havoc is seen, they will know to call me right away and that Havoc has a very loving home.
Thank you to all of Havoc's supporters – my un-scientific estimate is that for every person who does not like the signs, there are 10 of you reaching out with love and help. The nation-wide calls I have received today certainly support this!
I have the best volunteers in the world!
A team of volunteers self-organized last night (with Lisa's guidance) and went out in the freezing cold at night to the places we know Havoc has been frequenting. Everyone was educated on what to do if they saw Havoc (see How to Catch a Lost or Stray Dog). How amazing!
The positive in this horrible journey has been the exceptional people I've met. Kindness matters and you all have it in spades!
Havoc on the cover of Northwest Current
I'm so excited, Havoc's story was run on the cover of the Northwest Current this week!
We want to thank the editor and staff at the Northwest Current for their continuing support and help to get Havoc's story out to the local neighborhoods.
If anyone can help with reaching out to more journalists to pick up Havoc's story, please send me a message.
We had high drama tonight!
I got a call from someone saying they had Havoc. Heather and I raced to the McDonalds where the person said they had him, only to discover it was all a big prank. We lost 30 minutes back and forth with these teenagers before Heather called it what it was. It was devastating for me to get my hopes up and then realize it was a cruel joke.
The pain didn’t end there. The kids kept texting and calling me non-stop to harass me. Amy and I headed out to take down my big signs before the rain, and Amy thought we should go take them on. Meanwhile, Lisa and Rhegina decided to put an end to the kids torturing me. When 911 would not take them seriously, they were not daunted, and instead chased down a police officer. They somehow convinced the officer to take them seriously (they had rushed out in their pajamas), and amazingly, the officer went and talked to these kids and the calls stopped! I’m still cracking up thinking about Lisa and Rhegina weaving thru traffic and honking their horn to get the officer to notice them.
DC police are awesome!! I love that they keep supporting the girl with the lost dog. Thanks to my fearless friends Lisa, Rhegina, Heather, and Amy who all wanted to kick some a$$ to help me tonight.
Northwest Current publicity for Havoc
For those that live in NW DC, the Northwest Current published my letter to the editor this week. My letter stressed that Havoc is around and I just need a timely phone call. I've gotten several really great responses! If you want to read it, here is a link to the PDF:
Raze and I continue to look for hours each day. A few days ago, she got pretty excited - the Antler Fairy had left Raze a present!

Havoc's sister Raze with the antler
A few photos from today's activity

Volunteers gathered around the Havoc-mobile in the morning

Two of the youngest helpers handing out flyers
We want to thank everyone that came out to help and all the nice people in the neighborhoods!
Getting the word out in AU Park and Spring Valley
I know it’s been quiet on the Havoc front. The cold weather had me pretty freaked out, and there really wasn’t any news. The search is back in high-gear! Several volunteers and I are heading out this weekend to AU Park and Spring Valley to go door to door with a special message. I continue to have the misfortune of phone calls that come in hours or days after the person saw Havoc. We are getting out the word this weekend that he really is still roaming their neighborhoods (most don’t believe it), and how critical they people who live in these neighborhoods are to Havoc finding his way home.
Havoc featured on The Pet Show
Havoc’s story aired this past weekend on The Pet Show with Dr. Katy. Below is a link where you can watch the show. I was very nervous, Raze was not. I was pretty impressed Raze didn’t try to murder the cat that was on set.
We really want to thank Dr. Kathy and her team for having us on and for helping us get Havoc's story out.
Raze and I are featured about 7:20 into the episode. Here’s also a link to the episod of Dr. Katy’s show featuring Havoc's story
New sighting of Havoc in AU Park
Havoc was spotted yesterday morning behind 4230 46th St. NW! The woman who saw him said he looked good - not like a dog who's been out for 9.5 weeks. I'm so glad to know he survived that bitter, bitter cold we had last week.
See the most recent Havoc sightings on the map on our about page.
Havoc's story is going to be on TV!
Raze and I are going to be on the The Pet Show with Dr. Katy! The show will be aired at Saturday the 11th at 11:00 am on News Channel 8. Please tune in/record.
Here’s a link to Dr. Katy’s show:
Sighting of Havoc at American University
Great news! Jordina (the tracker) was able to confirm it was Havoc 2 days ago behind the Katzen Center. We tracked him all over AU Park, sticking to the streets close to Mass Ave. We were also able to eliminate some outlier sightings.
See the most recent Havoc sightings on the map on our about page.
Happy New Year! - Havoc Update
The new year is off to a great start with a possible Havoc sighting today! It was again behind the Katzen Performing Arts Center on Mass Ave. I spent all day in the area and did another winter BBQ. My ability to get the charcoal lit is exponentially improving – from 2 hours the first time, 45 min the second time, and down to only 20 minutes today!
The tracker is coming out again on Friday, so I will know for certain if this was Havoc, as well as be able to include or eliminate some of the outlier sightings.
Happy New Year!
An article about Havoc in the Eagle
The Eagle today published an article about Havoc asking the students of American University to be on the lookout for Havoc. We want to thank the Eagle and Sadie Ruben for picking up the story!
Havoc's story in the press
Havoc's story got picked up this week by the Northwest Current, AU Eagle, and Georgetown Patch! He also got a good deal of accidental press when the news stations all covered the gunman on AU's campus last night, and his big poster was in the background.
I received two new sightings that expand the search area, and I really need help putting up posters. No posters means no sightings, and Havoc's survival and my sanity are directly tied to these sightings. If you can help with this, even only for an hour, please email me. I'll give you specific streets to cover. I have all the materials you'll need.
Havoc mentioned in the Georgetown Patch
Today, The Georgetown Patch published an article about Havoc. We want to thank the Georgetown Patch and Michelle Peirano for picking up our story!
Havoc featured on “Ask Allison” on Fox 5
Havoc was featured on today's episode of “Ask Allison”. We really appreciate Fox 5 for picking up Havoc's story!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the generous donations of Don, Jenny Sue, and Lisa Dunner, Irene Antonucci, and the Washington Humane Society for all making contributions to purchase critter cams.
We had several sightings of Havoc in Spring Valley and Westmoreland Hills this past weekend. Feeding stations have been set up, a trap (also lent to me by the Washington Humane Society) is set, and we'll get the cameras on these sites as soon as they come in.
I'm touched to the core that you are all still with me after 25 days. Deepest gratitude to the dedicated people who are giving up hours and days of time to help put up posters and get the message out on listservs in these neighborhoods. I cannot believe how close Havoc is to home, and I’m praying with all my might that we will be reunited in the next few days.
Another sighting of Havoc!
We had a sighting today at 7:30 am! So glad the note from last night was posted on the Spring Valley list serv, or we would not have gotten it.
I need help postering Spring Valley tomorrow. We need to make Havoc the most famous dog inside the boundaries of Dalecarlia Parkway, Mass Ave, Nebraska, and Loughborough. This includes AU.
The tracker had him all over this neighborhood, but he’s hiding in thickly settled backyards, so without a massive sign campaign, it will be hard to get sightings.
I’ve set a trap tonight (thank you Zita), and will hope for the best.
Most importantly, thank you so much to the wonderful people who helped poster today: Jean, Penelope, Lydia, Sheila, Mary, and Lisa. So sorry if I’ve missed anyone.
New sighting of Havoc!
Really great news! New confirmed sighting of Havoc in area of Mass Ave and 45th St NW. If anyone can come help poster the area tomorrow, let me know. If anyone knows the list serv for that neighborhood, would also love to get a message out there.
See the most recent Havoc sightings on the map on our about page.
Trying to get Havoc's story into the media
I went out with a tracker today and was able to confirm that the dog seen 2 days ago was not Havoc. We also confirmed that the one sighting I had from the day he was lost was Havoc.
I have another tracker coming on Friday, and this should either confirm what the first tracker said, or give new leads.
At this point the biggest help for Havoc will be for the media to pick up his story. If you can help make phone calls or send emails, please let me know. I can give you specific contact information for the reporters.
Result of earlier sighting
Thanks to so many of you who jumped and came out and looked! We did not find Havoc, but a feeding station was set up, and a posting has been made on that neighborhood's listserv.
The dog spotted may not have been Havoc. There is a dog that looks like Havoc who lives in the neighborhood and is allowed to wander. I'm currently trying to get a picture of this dog so I can show it to the man who had the sighting.
I have another dog tracker scheduled to come out this week, either tomorrow or Friday. Hopefully this will generate some leads and maybe finding Havoc.
Possible sighting right now!
If anyone is free now, I just got a call from someone who is positive they saw Havoc at Wissioming and Wyoming in Bethesda. They said Havoc was skittish and ran away. I'm heading there now.
Raze is missing her brother
Raze (Havoc's sister) was left alone today for a few hours for the first time since Havoc went missing. I came home to a destroyed house. I'm sure she's scared I'm going to disappear too. Broke my heart.